Workforce Management

Workforce Absence Manager

Control the impact and associated cost of employee absence  

Minimize compliance risk and increase productivity

Reduce the cost and lost productivity associated with employee absence

UKG® Workforce Absence Manager™ reduces the impact planned, incidental, or extended employee absence has on your organization. Without visibility into absence trends, managing costs, maintaining productivity and staying compliant pose real challenges. UKG absence management software provides the visibility you need to protect your bottom line from the high cost of absence.

Gain control over the high cost of absence

On average, 35 percent of payroll is linked to employee absence. This includes the cost of paying absent employees as well as indirect costs like lost productivity and the hiring of replacement workers. UKG absence management software shows you where costs are accruing, empowering you to curb expensive absence trends that are impacting your bottom line.

Don’t leave compliance up to guesswork

Without workforce attendance systems to manage employee absence, organizations risk failing to comply with collective bargaining agreements and government regulations. Count on complete automation to determine eligibility, and ensure the fair application organization’s leave requirements.  

Automated absence management protects productivity

Employee absence creates a ripple effect that kills productivity. On average, incidental, unplanned absences result in 19 percent of net lost productivity per day. On-demand workforce attendance reporting to highlight absence trends and patterns, allowing you to proactively correct absence trends before they impact productivity.

Key be​nefits

Out-of-the-box reports give managers complete visibility into attendance and leave data

Automatic recommendations help managers determine which time-off requests to approve

Instant, anytime access to the insight and tools needed to proactively manage your people

Request leave and open leave cases on their own

Track time and manage policies from a single automated platform to stay prepared for audits

Edit signed-off periods up to 72 hours after sign-off

Open or edit leave cases on a mobile device

Make leave edits and add leave time through the schedule