More Than Technology
Utilizing technology to succeed
It is not a technology only
approach involves not only software but also EDUCATION, TRAINING and CUSTOMIZED
IMPLEMENTATION to realize the benefits that digital health systems can produce.
Along with our CLINICAL and NON-CLINICAL EXPERTISE, we provide substantial IT RETURN-ON-INVESTMENT
benefits, tangible and intangible results.
Digital transformation is not about technology
Hospitals are pouring millions into “digital transformation” initiatives — but a high percentage of those fail to pay off. That’s because hospitals put the cart before the horse, focusing on a specific technology (“we need a machine-learning strategy!”) rather than doing the hard work of fitting the change into the overall business strategy first.
Lessons learned
Figure out your business strategy before investment.
Design customer experience from the outside in.
Bring Silicon Valley start-up culture inside.
Leverage insiders.
Recognize employees’ fear of being replaced.