Improve staff accessibility to every policy, procedure, and standard of care document across your Organization. Policy Manager’s robust, the six-level search engine allows staff to easily search for the documents they need from any Internet-enabled computer. Intelligent version control ensures the policies they locate are always the most up-to-date version.
Your complete software solution for healthcare policy management and compliance
Every Policy Document is Always Accessible - Anytime, from Anywhere
Save Staff Time
manager’s customizable approval processes allow you to automate your policy
review workflow for maximum productivity. As a web-based solution, Policy
manager solution allows staff to review, edit and approve policies in a
collaboration framework from any Internet-connected computer.
No Missing and Outdated Policies
manager helps you easily control versions and archives to create a reliable
policy audit trail. The system automatically archives the old version of a
document when a new version is approved. Staff will never have access to
unapproved or archived versions of a document.
Ensure Staff Accountability
manager makes it easy to hold employees accountable to new and revised policies
and procedures. Assign policies to be read or add quizzes to documents to
ensure they’re reviewed, and the staff are aware of the new changes and
Minimize IT Resources
a fully hosted, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) delivered solution, Policy manager
can be implemented quickly and customized easily. No IT resources are necessary
- MCN provides hosting, server maintenance, software upgrades, and technical