
Antimicrobial Stewardship

Ensure optimal use of existing antimicrobial agents and to react in a timely manner to new / updated medical conditions, by using the predefined alerts, guidelines and protocols, like “Bug-Drug Reaction and Changes

How can ICNet antimicrobial stewardship help?

Antimicrobial Stewardship part improves the time to intervention and appropriate therapy. Looks beyond the prescribing episode to monitor patients after prescribing and administration of medicines to help you identify issues of concern. 

Medication data repository
Collects patient medication data, providing a wide range of pharmacy surveillance to align with antimicrobial stewardship guidelines and ensure the right implementation of the program.

More efficiency
Supports more efficient pharmacy operations by encouraging a targeted approach to managing infections, and determine the impact of medications.

Auto antimicrobial consumption
Assists with calculation and reporting of antimicrobial consumption, which will drive the financial results.

Determine improvement areas
Equips clinicians with monitoring and reporting capabilities designed to target improvements in antimicrobial stewardship programs.

Real time interventions
Provides a repository for documenting investigations and interventions in order to control the antibiotics usage in healthcare organizations.

Analysis and audit trail
Supports documentation and reporting of audit data, and enables combined analysis between infection rates, antibiotics usage, interventions, and other data.