
Supporting infection prevention and antimicrobial stewardship effort

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  Innovative surveillance software by Baxter designed with clinicians to target zero infections

ICNet clinical surveillance software is a comprehensive decision support tool that links and integrates data as a single record to provide actionable information to support infection prevention, antimicrobial stewardship, medication usage, and pharmacy operations.

Care Bundles

Helps in increasing and measuring the compliance while providing the healthcare services to patients.

 Overview - IPC

Infection Prevention

ICNet provides system-wide visibility into clinical information, alerting you to events in near real-time.

How Can ICNet Infection Prevention Help?
Monitors data across existing clinical information systems for user-defined events, including potential infections, patients requiring isolation, and event clusters.

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 Overview - IPC

Antimicrobial Stewardship

ICNet helps the antimicrobial stewardship team ensure optimal use of existing antimicrobial agents and to react in a timely manner to new / updated lab results and changes in patient conditions.

How Can ICNet Antimicrobial Stewardship Help?
Helps improve the time to intervention and appropriate therapy. Looks beyond the prescribing episode to monitor patients after prescribing and administration of medicines to help you identify issues of concern. 

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 Overview - IPC

Care Bundles

Care Bundles provides the flexibility and the ability to set and add all the healthcare facility care bundles, and this is an advanced utility we provide in our solution.

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